WEB 2.0 TOOLS (assessment, presentation and assignment tools)

Image result for fingers using laptop

As a student-teacher use of web 2.0 tools transforms my work, moreover it supports the students in learning. The advantage of using such tools is that it is user friendly and freely available to be used by the teachers as well as students. Use of such tools makes learning interactive. In today's 21st century  modelling the use of technology is inevitable. Here is a list of different types of tools you can in cooperate in your teaching-learning process.

Image result for smart lab web 2.0 tool

Assessment tools:

 Integrated Presentation and Quiz Tools: smart notebook which assist a teacher in making interactive presentations besides helps teacher in assessing students work. here teacher can make game based quiz for students. The tool comes along with a smart board with added features. 

click the below link for further info on smart lab.
Presentation tools:-
Image result for voki
voki is an amazing tool to transform oneself into historical characters or animals. being user friendly it just gets started at a click. choose your favourite character and record your voice. with this tool teacher can also prepare animated presentations and manage students assignment online.
click on the link below for further assistance in using voki

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